The 2022 Time Machine report provides innovation professionals across industries with an example of the insights teenagers on Startup Sherpas programmes create. Gen Alpha (today’s teenagers) will be turning into your customers and colleagues over the next 5 years, and Gen Z are now moving onto new life stages including starting families of their own.

This report was focused on the Insurance industry to demonstrate how teenagers can take on even the most complex innovation challenges.  

How they perceive the world will directly impact every aspect of your industry.

100 teenagers experienced the world of insurance first hand, and built their ideas for the future of insurance.  Imaging the ideas they have for the future of your industry.


740 ideas create from a dataset of over 5000 data-points and 100+ customer interviews with Gen Z.

The 86 page report contains ideas, action plans and transformation priorities that help you engage colleagues cross the business.  Backed up by a dataset of 740 ideas create by your future customers and colleagues.


– How engaging with Gen Z and Gen Alpha could benefit your business.

– The quality of ideas that teenagers produce and how they can be used in your business.

– The breadth of ideas that are created by a SuperSquad.

– How SuperSquads can be used in innovation projects, and by other teams across the business.

– How to bring diverse and inclusive talent into your industry.

This report has been supported by Aviva…

Some more text here…


Who is Generation Alpha?  

Why Should I care?

How does this report help?

Industry View from Hélène Stanway (SENSE Consortium, Ex Axa XL)

  • This industry view provides context why the challenge question is important to the whole industry.

Industry view from Paul Welsh (Aviva) – Sponsor View

  • This Industry view offers sponsors the opportunity to share their POV and why they are supporting Startup Sherpas and the teenagers.

These trends are collated from the database of ideas generated from the teenagers.

This defines the whitespace we see for the industry 

For insurers these were new risk bearing products, and included ideas in an areas notoriously hard to find whitespace – Life Insurance. 

Because we have 100 diverse teenagers innovating, we are able to collect quantitative data as well as rick qualitative data for storytelling. 

There was so much insights that we included section on transformation priorities and blueprints.

Our SuperSquad uses an innovation methodology we invented called the step-by-step method.  This is an asynchronous distributed innovation methodology that allows us to ensure the teenagers produce incredibly high quality work.

We include a section explaining:

the 41 tools we invented for remote innovation

How we use the power of ‘SquadSourcing’

How we incorporate Diversity & Inclusion as standard

Why we see Innovation as a tool for career exploration

The report is called ‘The Time Machine report because it’s the next best thing to an actual time machine!

You get ideas straight from the future…

  • Top 10 Ideas from the Squad, that have been ‘Squadsourced’.
  • Our Pick of the best ideas. 
  • Spotlight on Talent

Aviva saw a 10x increase in brand awareness from SiuperSquad members, and double the interest in pursuing a career with them.

This is part of the Talent Blueprint we have created. 

For Innovators to understand what our teenagers can create.

 The 100 teenagers that took part in this Time Machine report have provided a deep, rich dataset and the insights, trends and blueprints drawn from this are actionable, high impact and worth prioritising.  While this was for Insurance, our teenagers have already proven they can tackle ANY industries most pressing challenges. 

Financial services is one of our 5 ‘Lever Industries’.  We believe that our teenage sherpees need exposure to how money works so that they have the extra superpowers needed to make impact quickly.

The future of retail banking.

How to create wealth early.

Reinventing pensions. 

Are just some of the areas we know already that our teenagers will create immense impact.


Supply chains & Manufacturing is one of our 5 ‘Lever Industries’.  We believe that our teenage sherpees need exposure to how things are made so that they have the extra superpowers needed to make impact quickly.

We believe that focusing this on:

  • Fashion
  • Food
  • Movilidad

Will make the most impact to the climate.

 Some of the questions we would like to answer are:

  • How do we make a fashion brand where owning the item from 10 seasons ago is cooler than owning this season’s look?
  • How do we make food brands that accelerate regnerative farming thrive on supermarket shelves?
  • How do we make electric cars into an asset that appreciates in value? 

These are just some of the areas we know already that our teenagers will create immense impact.

Loyalty and Memberships is one of our 5 ‘Lever Industries’.  We believe that our teenage sherpees need exposure to how partnerships are done so that they have the extra superpowers needed to make impact quickly.

Kathy and Hugo have both worked in the Loyalty space, so we know that this is an area where our teenager can build those skills as well as learning about consumer behaviour and how to change it. 

Our teenagers always come out with brand Partnership & loyalty ideas.

 Some of the questions they would be fabulous to answer are:


  • How do we make Government work for teenagers?
  • What does a membership look like to make the right eating decisions?
  • How can we use pester power to create a daily positive habit?


These are just some of the areas we know already that our teenagers will create immense impact.

Audience based businesses is one of our 5 ‘Lever Industries’.  We believe that our teenage sherpees need exposure to how partnerships are done so that they have the extra superpowers needed to make impact quickly.

We think of audience based businesses as:

  • Media
  • Social Media
  • Brands with voice


Teenagers are metaverse natives, who naturally understand content.


  • How do we create a school in the Metaverse?
  • How do we harness social media?
  • How can we use pester power to infuence our parents to change their media consumption?

These are just some of the areas we know already that our teenagers will create immense impact.

Outside our 5 Lever Industries we look for brands that have the ambition to be leaders with the next generation. 

Whenever we create opportunities for teenagers to Earn-to-learn we are making impact and our teenagers have already proven their capabilities.

Helping you break down the silos.

The impact of Generation Alpha on insurance is going to be felt across every part of the insurance ecosystem.  The 100 teenagers that took part in this Time Machine report have provided a deep, rich dataset and the insights, trends and blueprints drawn from this are actionable, high impact and worth prioritising. 

Innovation teams use SuperSquads to validate their innovation portfolios and provide leading indicators on their innovation strategy being successful.

Additionally, the SuperSquads have their own secret power – bringing everyone together and breaking down the silos. 

We have created perhaps the most effective experiential marketing tool for turning your future customers into brand advocates.

With a way to 10x your brand awareness with teenagers, drive advocacy with their parents and awareness across their social graph, there’s no other way to achieve this emotional bonding so effectively.

10x Brand Awareness

We have demonstrated a 10X increase in brand awareness for teenagers on the SuperSquad.  Aviva had a 6.7% unaided recall in our pre-survey, and 69% in our post survey. 

Advocacy with parents

Additionally, the parents of the SuperSquad have registered extremely high levels of advocacy for sponsors who provide these opportunities to their teenagers. 

Not only are we educating the teenagers, we are also providing a bonding opportunity between parents and teenagers.

Amplifying the message

The programme is designed to be social, and with research built in, our teenagers go out into the world and amplify the message to their friends and extended family. 

When you put that all together you can see why this is next generation experiential marketing.

Insight teams would have a time machine if they could. (as would we all)

We can provide the next best thing – ideas direct from future customers. 

The SuperSquad can provide your insights team and customer teams a depth of understanding of future customers that is unparalleled. 

The sheer depth of insight is 10x even what a depth survey could achieve.  

Each teenager on the squad is completing 24 hrs of paid work experience.  

They are recruited for diversity, and so the dataset produced by them is a goldmine. 

From signaling intent, to building culture. 

The SuperSquad provides stories to share inside and outside the organisation.

It feeds into the ESG agenda. 

It feeds into the D, E & I agenda.

It ensures that true impact is achieved and de-risks any whispers of ‘Greenwashing’.

Detailed data that can support and inform your transformation priorities.

The report provides a 5 year horizon view, the outcomes provide a view on the work needing to commence now. 

We not only have a talent blueprint, and spotlights on diversity and inclusion, but have a proven way of developing diverse talent to develop an interest in working for you.

The data shows us that by completing a SuperSquad paid work experience the students have a 2X increase in interest in exploring career options. 

The Social Impact this Report Has Created

‘Trickle up economics’ is what we call our alternative to trickle down economics.  

We pay students to work on the report.  This allows us to entice a diverse set of students, not just the hand raisers.  

Some students spend their money on birthday presents for friends, others spend their money to help their families.  What they don’t do, is store it tax efficiently.  That’s why we believe in trickle up economics. 

Talent is everywhere.  Opportunity is not.  And it starts with work experience.  By giving a diverse set of teenagers their first work experience and a reference we help them through the first hoop.  

These are the 21st century skills that our students need to develop to thrive in the world they inherit.  

We do this by teaching them how to bring their ideas to life and share them with others. 



Our Squad Leaders on this Time Machine report were both female.  Rokeebat’s story is shared in detail in the report and shows how multiple interactions with Startup Sherpas develops gender diverse talent. 

25% of our teenagers discover their own entrepreneurial spirit by taking part in the Time Machine SuperSquad.  

We get a 5x increase in the students desire to explore their own startups when they take part.  

The Impact for the Insurance Industry

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
We are on a mission to create a generation of trained innovators who can solve the worlds most pressing challenges.



27th October – 9:30am (UK)
Webinar - Booking - 27th October

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