New instant access to our RealWork Platform!!
Work experience platform providing engaging experiences across 15 industries. Students gain experience, earn certificates and create their shareable Sherpa CV.
RealWork™ - the self-serve work experience platform
Get every student in your school on the platform where they self-serve their way through 15 different industry experiences, plus more!
Self-Serve CareerQuests
Your students can choose from around 75 hours of programme content spanning 15 industries.
We also have surprises for some schools who get extra CareerQuests from local companies.
Completion Certificates
You have full access to each and every student to see how they are getting on. This includes their journal - the place where they upload their work.
Keep an eye, they create amazing things!
Shareable CV
We provide a simple way for your students to build their profile, and if they want, share it with others online.
It includes all of their certificates of completion, and they can write about their experiences, and also share work they completed as a showcase!
Access to paid SuperSquads!
When you bring our RealWork platform into your school, you will get preferential access to places on our paid SuperSquads.
Sponsored by companies, 100 students spend 6 weeks on a real project, and get paid!
If you provide us with your details, we'll get back in touch to arrange a one on one demo with one of our team!

Stress-free onboarding
Get every student in your school on the platform where they self-serve their way through 15 different industry experiences, plus more!
1. Onboard your students
You have full control over the students that get access to the platform. You can add students one by one, or in bulk, and then the platform deals with the rest!
2. Students complete their experiences
Students can take part in any of our 15 CareerQuests - short 3-5 hour experiences covering all key industries. In some regions of the UK they will also find 'local' CareerQuests from companies nearby.
3. See their progress
You have full access to each and every student to see how they are getting on. This includes their journal - the place where they upload their work. Keep an eye, they create amazing things!
If you leave your details here, we will send you a link to one of our recorded live demos by Jamie, our amazing partner at MYPATH Careers
We deliver our programmes through our online platform and app, and if one of your students is accepted to a SuperSquad, they will be working with 99 other young people, along with our staff. We therefore understand the importance not just of getting safeguarding right, but building it in to everything we do right from the start. We always make sure students know how to report any issues, and we are part of the CEOP scheme.
We hold ourselves to school level safeguarding standards. All of our staff are DBS Enhanced checked, and we have a complete set of safeguarding policies in place.
Check us out on the BBC!

We designed the platform originally for us, to make our lives easier running 1000’s of young people through our SuperSquad programmes. Now, it’s all yours too.
Students self-serve to CareerQuests
Students simply browse our library of CareerQuests (15 as standard, but also with local CareerQuests in certain regions), and select the ones they want to take part in. You don't get involved.

My Workspace - where they do their work
Students access their CareerQuests (or SuperSquads if they are lucky enough to get on!) through My Workspace.
They will find all of their Step-By-Step™ instructions which guides them through the programme every step of the way.
Journal - where they record what they've done
As students complete their CareerQuests, they will be asked (although not required) to upload the work they do. We love getting people working with pen and paper, drawing and scribbling things down using our easy to use canvasses (basically, a template!).
This allows students to then pick specific pieces of work to showcase in their Sherpas CV.

Full admin system for simple student onboarding and management
We keep things simple and let you add and delete users as you wish.
Our admin dashboard allows you to onboard all of your school student in minutes. Simply upload a CSV file and sit back while the invites all go out automatically.
Simple reporting system - monitor progress and achievements, and check out their work!
We have a full reporting system that you can use to see all of your students, and dig into the detail.
It will show you the CareerQuests that your students have taken part in, and you can even dive into their Journal to check out what they have done.